sexi castle

Almuñécar commemorates the 462nd anniversary of the Spanish Armada’s shipwreck off its coast, offering a variety of activities and workshops for all ages, as well as a special tribute to Mª del Carmen Calero Palacios, author of the historical work The Shipwreck of the Spanish Armada in La Herradura.

The events honor the tragic occurrence in the bay in 1562 when a fierce storm sank between 25 and 28 war galleys from Philip II’s fleet, resulting in the deaths of nearly 5,000 people.

The activities will begin this Friday with an educational talk about the shipwreck and a guided tour of the “1562 The Fury of the Sea” Museum, located in the Castle of La Herradura, for students from Las Gaviotas Public School.

Additionally, a lecture will be held at the Diego Martínez Theater in the La Herradura Civic Center, led by Professor Antonio Jiménez Estrella from the University of Granada, focusing on coastal defense in the Kingdom of Granada during the Habsburg period and its role in the Mediterranean context of the 16th and 17th centuries.

On Saturday, the main day of the commemoration, a traditional floral offering will take place in memory of the “Men of the Sea,” along with an institutional ceremony in the castle to honor Mª del Carmen Calero Palacios for her documentary contribution.

The day will conclude with children’s workshops and a storytelling session by Verónica Callejón, who will narrate Miguel and the Great Storm of La Herradura at 10:30 near the monument dedicated to the “Men of the Sea.”

In addition, the Amigos del Mar-Costa Tropical Association has organized environmental awareness activities aimed primarily at young people to promote marine conservation and combat illegal dumping. Registered participants can enjoy mini diving sessions, catamaran or kayak excursions, workshops on the sea and climate change, and a talk on the protection and management of the marine resources of the Alboran Sea, given by Jorge Sáez Jiménez, director of Soldecocos.

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