Granada Cathedral

granada catedral

Located right in the centre of Granada city, the cathedral is one of the finest examples of this architectural style.
In 1529 Diego de Siloé outlined the Renaissance lines of this building upon its Gothic foundations, with a triforium and five naves instead of the usual three. Most unusually, he created a circular capilla mayor rather than a semicircular apse, perhaps inspired by Italian ideas for circular “perfect buildings” (as in Alberti’s works). Within its structure the cathedral combines other orders of architecture. It took 180 years for the cathedral to be completed. In 1667 Alonso Cano added Baroque elements to the main façade. His creation is regarded as a masterpiece.

Opening times: Monday-Saturday 10.45-1:30pm and 4-7pm (8pm in summer). On Sunday and holidays the Cathedral is only open in the afternoon, from 4-7pm (8pm in summer). Entrance on Calle Gran Vía de Colón. Admission costs €3. For further information, telephone: 958222959.

Jaén Cathedral

Dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin, the cathedral, known as the “Jewel of the Renaissance”, is considered to be one of the most important Renaissance-style cathedrals in Europe. It took over 200 years to build, from 1570 to 1802. The temple houses the cloth of the Holy Face, or Veil of Veronica, which, according to tradition, was used by Veronica to dampen the face of Christ. The veil is exposed every Friday. The Baroque façade is by Eufrasio López de Rojas. The interior contains 17 chapels, among which the Main chapel was decorated by Juan de Aranda in the 17th century. The cathedral houses a permanent religious art exhibition and a museum. Location: Plaza Santa María, 23002 Jaén. Admission is free. Opening times change throughout the year, so telephone 674 98 63 40 for current timetable, or email: Visit website.

jaen cathedral

Guadix Cathedral

The Cathedral of Guadix was under construction for a long period of time spanning from the 16th century through the late 18th century. The first building was a Visigoth temple upon which the Al-hama Mosque was built. There are three stages of construction apparent: one Gothic, during which construction work on the current cathedral by Pedro Morales and Enrique Egás began, which lasted until 1547; one Renaissance, during which Diego de Siloé worked to expand the building; and a third, Baroque stage, which began in the early 18th century with Vicente Acero, Thomas, Gaspar Cayón de la Vega, Pachote, Ruíz del Peral, master Moreno, and others, and saw the building of the façades, the roof, the high altar, the choir and the pulpits.
Visits: Monday- Thursday  11:00-15:00 / 17:30-19:30. Friday and Saturday: 11:00 – 19:30. Sunday: 10.00 – 11:00 / 14:00-19:30. Guided visit: Friday and Saturday at 12:00 and 17:00. Location: Paseo Ismael González de la Serna, s/n 18500 Guadix. Entrance next to Puerta de San Torcuato. Queries tel. 692 574 671. Email: Visit website

Other Noteworthy Buildings and Monuments

El Monasterio de Cartuja

This 16th-century monastery, off the Albaicín on the outskirts of Granada, is sometimes called the Christian answer to the Alhambra because of its ornate stucco and marble and the baroque Churrigueresque fantasy in the sacristy (photo). Its most notable paintings are by Bocanegra, its outstanding sculpture by Mora. The church of this Carthusian monastery was decorated with baroque stucco in the 17th century, and its 18th-century sacristy is an excellent example of latter-day baroque style. It also features an artistic, Baroque cupola (photo). Napoleon’s armies killed St. Bruno here.
There is a little gift shop here which also sells hot and cold drinks, and there is a peaceful cloister garden with orange trees. There are public toilets. The Monasterio is open daily form 10:00 until 18:00, and can be reached by the number 8 bus from near Granada Cathedral, on the Gran Via (the bus takes you round the back of the Cartuja to a college, but stay on the bus until the Cartuja is visible on the left as the bus goes downhill to a roundabout. The stop is just before the roundabout. The bus comes back this way two minutes later, so don’t worry if you miss the stop).


Alhambra Guided Tours

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